The Grokker app has both primary and secondary navigation. The primary navigation bar runs across the bottom of your screen and has the following options:
Home - This tab contains videos recommended for you based on the topics you follow and the videos you watch. In addition, you may find any programs you are enrolled in, your Wellbeing Minutes for the week, any of Grokker's Programs, plus have access to the Grokker experts and trending collections.
My Videos - All the videos you care about are stored in this area. Use the secondary navigation across the top of the screen to select between recently watched videos, "I Did This", Collections you have created, videos you have loved, videos scheduled for the future, and any downloaded you have saved.
Browse - Search for videos by topic (yoga, fitness, cooking, or mind). You may then scroll down to the middle of the screen to filter based on duration and intensity and selecting "Let's Go". You may then further filter your videos by selecting "Filter". Once you have selected the criteria you are looking for, click "Save" at the top of the screen, and your results will be displayed.
Calendar - Use the calendar to see which videos you have done on what day, plus any videos you have scheduled for a future date. Simply click on a date on the calendar to see show these videos.
My Profile - This tab will take you to the status of your account, so that you may see your overall Wellbeing Minutes and your current Wellbeing Level. In addition, you may find all of your "I Did This", Collections, users who are following you, users or experts you are following, and any topic you are following. Click on "Settings" in the upper left to connect to Apple Health, find out what version of Grokker you are using, or Sign Out.
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