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Grokker Help Center
Apple Apps
Apple Apps
For questions about using Grokker on our iOS app (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, or Apple Watch)
What is my profile and where do I find it on the Grokker app?
How do I change my name and/or my email address on the Grokker app?
How do I cancel my subscription if I registered via the iOS App Store?
How do I sign out of my account on the Grokker app?
How do I change my username or email address?
How to Use
How do I update or change calendar reminders on the Grokker app?
How do I navigate the app?
What do all the icons represent?
What is an "I Did This"? Why should I do one?
How can I schedule a video to watch later?
What is "My Profile" and where can I find it?
See all 14 articles
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